Our Platform


**Sheila Medeiros for State House Rep District 43 Platform**

The love for our families, communities, values, and our Island home is what drives me to represent, stand up, and work hard on behalf of District 43. With the armor of my constituents' guidance and trust, we will have District 43's Second City, FIRST in:

1. Infrastructure and Energy-

Community-Centered Development:** Ensure community input in infrastructure projects to meet local needs effectively.-

Energy Security: Advocate for reliable energy solutions and transparent policies to prevent more blackouts, especially after transitioning from coal.-

Accountability in Governance:

** Hold officials accountable for infrastructure challenges and ensure responsible use of public resources.

2. Economic Stability-

Addressing Inflation and High Costs: Oppose policies contributing to inflation and advocate for measures to reduce economic burdens on local families.-

Impact of the Jones Act:** Address the economic impact of the Jones Act on shipping costs, which disproportionately affects our Islands compared to the mainland.

3. Education-

Responsible Education Funding: Support robust funding for public schools to enhance resources, transparency, and success for all students.

Opposition to CRT: Stand against ideologies like Critical Race Theory (CRT) in educational curriculum, advocating for a balanced approach that respects viewpoints without promoting divisive ideologies.

Parental Rights in Education: Safeguard parental rights in educational decisions, ensuring that parents have meaningful input, control, and access over their children's schooling. Advocate for parents' rights to exclude their children from certain teachings and teachers, and ensure a fully transparent curriculum with alternatives for subject matter that some students cannot attend.

**4. Social Issues**-

Conservative Values: Uphold traditional values on social issues, including opposing legislation such as SB1 that permits minors, specifically 14-year-olds, to access abortion without parental consent.

Protecting Parental Rights:** Safeguard parental rights in educational decisions and healthcare choices, ensuring that parents have the final say in matters affecting their children.

- **Opposition to DEI Initiatives:

Oppose Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and policies that prioritize race, gender, culture, or sexual orientation over qualifications. Champion workplace training and educational options to ensure all employees work at maximum and optimal performance.

5. Community Engagement-

Responsive Representation: Commit to accountable representation, ensuring the voices of constituents are heard in legislative decision-making.

Transparent Governance: Foster openness and collaboration between government and the community to address concerns effectively.

6. Bipartisan Cooperation-

Promoting Conservative Principles:** Work towards bipartisan cooperation that upholds conservative principles and addresses district needs without compromising values.

Unity and Consensus:** Build consensus through inclusive policymaking that respects a variety of perspectives while upholding conservative ideals.